Monday, August 4, 2008

American Idol-To be or not to be

Oh the American Idol scene.. where there are big dreams and lots of people. In fact, there was about 11,000 people in SLC this year waiting in line for a chance at stardom, and guess who was in that line??? ME! hahaha. Ssssure, I sing. And I like to incorporate singing into my every day, but I never really fed my dream at becoming a singer. I've been encouraged by some people about trying out. "You should try out for American Idol" they would say..ahem mostly my dad, but nonetheless. I decided that I would give it a shot. I wouldn't bank on anything, but I would do it just for the heck of it. My brother said that he would try out with me! It would be a really long day, but at least it would be funny. A couple days before the try out date my brother says: I really don't want to do this. LAME! So I tell this boy nicknamed Florida Sunshine to try out with me. He was a musician type, and he agreed. I definitely did not want to spend the whole day in a humungous line by myself. I decided on the song I would sing the night before going, and practised it a few times through, but we also had to learn a couple "crowd songs" I believe these to be songs that the crowd sings altogether when the camera happens upon them. I did not bother learning either of these. So I wake up at 3:15 in the morning to be in line at the Enery Solutions Arena by 5:00 am. plus pick up Florida. It was very weird. As we walked toward the line I wondered what time some of these girls got up to get ready, because it was a radical prom scene. The girl standing in line in front of me could have possibly won the award for "what are you thinking?" She wore her heals, naturally, because it matched her outfit just right-a shirt that barely covered anything, and a skirt that didn't cover anything, but ironically she was lugging around a suitcase? I think it may have contained her clothes? I spent some time laughing to myself. 1) for being there at all 2) the people that surrounded me as they sang to themselves 3) at the mom and dad support groups 4) how at 5 in the morning people were screaming at the camera everytiime it passed. I was trying to make the best of the situation by having converstations with Florida, afterall, thats why I wanted him So 20 minutes go by with my trying to make conversation when he says to me: " You know...I need you to give me half hour-an hour-and just not say anything." Oh I see. haha. ok.. So I sat there, in a line I wasn't excited to be in with Debbie Downer and after a couple hours when the sun was setting I decided this dream was not for me.


:: ashley :: said...

k, I was all about Christina the next American Idol, but now I thinking this whole thing seems kinda lame- your singing dreams will come in different packages not including competing with reality skanks-eh- people :)

Kath, Becca, and Ellie said...

Loving it! my favorite line: "you should be the next american idol" they tell... okay, mostly my dad. hi-larious as usual.

P.S. I'm pretty sure I left my cell in your car. Da.Mn.

Lindsay said...

i don't watch american idol, but for you i would have made my life revolve around tuning in. worthy effort.